Staying safe and well
Keeping ourselves and others safe and well is important across all social care roles and settings. It also includes thinking about our and others’ longer term wellbeing
About this resource
Staying safe and well in a care setting, the focus of this resource, means a number of things.
It includes keeping yourself and others safe and well in the ‘here and now’ which you can do by following an employer’s health and safety procedures, or developing skills to support people in times of crisis or distress.
It also includes thinking longer term and identifying how health and wellbeing for yourself and others across the community can be protected, improved and promoted into the future.
The SSSC has worked with Public Health Scotland to create this resource. We hope you enjoy learning about the role of care professionals in this important area of practice. If you have relevant knowledge and skills from previous education or work you’ll have an opportunity to think about how this can support you if you choose to start a career in care.
Staying safe and well resources
This resource has three sections to work through, all related to staying safe and well. Each of the sections includes a number of topics.
Discover how care professionals support wellbeing
Wellbeing is an important concept in caring careers. It’s a rich and interesting topic, with endless opportunities to develop your understanding. Child and adult care professionals are knowledgeable and passionate about wellbeing.
Understand the care workforce’s contribution to public health
In this section, we’ll take a look at the many ways in which the care workforce are contributing to the health and wellbeing of others, not just individuals but the Scottish population as a whole. This is also known as Public Health.
Identify health and safety hazards in a real care service (360° interactive experience)
In this final section you’ll learn about health and safety responsibilities and you’ll have a chance to practise identifying some workplace hazards in a real care service.